DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Mikayla Smith

English Composition 151-03

  • Fragment

Wanting to leave sooner. He packed early.

He packed early because he wanted to leave sooner.


  • Comma Splices and Run-ons

He liked to play basketball it is his favorite sport.

He liked to play basketball. It is his favorite sport.


  • Faulty Subject-Verb Agreement

The people in the room was quiet.

The people in the room were quiet.


  • Faulty Pronoun Agreement

The companies gave its employees a raise.

The companies gave their employees a raise.


  • Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

Dusty and old, the people discovered the treasure in the tomb.

The people discovered the treasure, dusty and old, in the tomb.


  • Faulty Parallelism

After the softball practice, the players were sweaty, hot, and felt exhausted.

After the softball practice, the players were sweaty, hot, and exhausted.


  • Comma Misuse

Not too many of my friends came but my family did.

Not too many of my friends came, but my family did.


  • Apostrophe Misuse

When she looked in the sky, a ton of bird’s were flying.

When she looked in the sky, a ton of birds were flying.


  • Confusing Homonyms

The students were finished with there homework.

The students were finished with their homework.


  • Misuse of Italics or Underlining

I read the book “No Exit,” it was interesting.

I read the book No Exit, it was interesting.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.